Thursday, April 3, 2008

2008 Michigan State Powerlifting Championships

This years meet was the biggest of all time. We had over 90 lifters, several competing in the Jr. Nationals as well. DBB won the gym competition, Justin Harris from Troponin Nutrition was best lifter male. I will post some results as soon as I get them. Here are few pictures from the day.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Meet Update

This past weekend we had several members compete at the Battle of the Bench Press in Circleville, OH. Three members came home with new PR's. Tim Hensley hit 625 at 181lbs., Tom Westkoff benched 600 at 200 lbs., and Kevin Ladach benched 430 at 165 lbs. Congrats to these members for job well done.

You can check out pictures and videos at

Current Members

The heart and soul of DBB is Clay Brandenburg, JJ Thomas, and John Zemmin. These three individuals put many ours into training but more hours keeping the gym running. In the upcoming weeks we will have an inside look at our members and training.

You can read more about Clay Brandenburg at

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

About Us

Detroit Barbell is one of the most hardcore strength facilities in Michigan. Most individuals around the country may not want to admit it but it we are also becoming one of the strongest in the country. This blog we detail the happenings of DBB especially leading up to some great events in the next few months.